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Meet Noosa, Nere's trusted travel companion. In the large check-in size of 76cm, it's built for big plans and even bigger packing lists. Designed with a lightweight yet ultra-durable polypropylene shell, it holds up to whatever your journey throws at it - whether that's bumpy terrain or a last-minute souvenir haul.
Meet Noosa, Nere's trusted travel companion. In the medium check-in size of 66cm, it's built for big plans and even bigger packing lists. Designed with a lightweight yet ultra-durable polypropylene shell, it holds up to whatever your journey throws at it - whether that's bumpy terrain or a last-minute souvenir haul.
Flylite Chestnut in the small carry-on size of 55cm suits every adventure, offering the perfect mix of style, durability and functionality. Travel light, travel Flylite!
Meet Noosa, Nere's trusted travel companion. In the small carry-on size of 55cm, it's built for short trips and smart packing. With a lightweight yet ultra-durable polypropylene shell, Noosa is ready for whatever your journey brings.